White Lady
Release your shadows (both from ancient and recent times), let go of your mask and come home into the wholeness of who you truly are. You will uncover the hidden potentials behind your shadows and bring them forth into the light and the present moment. Through this core competence, I will help you transform darkness and obstacles on your path into light and love so that you can harness your hidden potentials and become visible for who you truly are… And in all your divine glory.
Star Blossom
I will give you a starlight reading to help you bring your unique potential and divine gifts from heaven down to earth. You will rediscover the essence of your soul and align with your own divinity. You will receive your own personal mudra that connects you to your starry home and helps you embody it here on earth…. And your individual mantra that allows you to integrate it into your consciousness of your soul. These are completely unique gifts tailored to your individual qualities and you can begin to work with them with your clients right away.
Become whole, stable and learn to fully trust in yourself. You will become one with the Lotus throne and discover how to feel rooted in security and protection. Whatever may occur in the outer world, you will be able to handle it with more grace and stand more firm than you would otherwise. Untouchable will help your emotional body and light body to remain connected to heaven and pure love. We will mend even the smallest cracks in your aura, so that fears, lower energies and old patterns cannot enter or touch you anymore. You will feel stronger and more connected than ever before.
Forever Young
Liberate your eternal soul from the limitations and illusion of age. Can you feel the youthful impulses inside of you? Can you connect to the timeless beauty within your heart? These things can NEVER be lost because your soul is eternal and ageless. But these things can easily be forgotten in our modern day world. My Core Competency Forever Young allows you to bring back youthfulness into your body and your aura… So that you can remember the eternal aliveness of your beautiful soul and enter the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Heart Shift
Align your thoughts, your vision and your relationships with pure love and your new heart. Imagine how your life would change if all your thoughts were suddenly aligned with pure love? If every thought that came into your mind was filtered by your new heart? You would feel so relieved, at peace and immersed in divine love. Imagine how your vision would evolve if you were able to look at the world through a lens of clarity, love and healthy detachment? The negativity wouldn’t affect you anymore as you stand protected by your soul’s essence and the power of the Lotus.
Truly You
Be reborn as your True Self to stand in all your divine power in the Golden Age. My core competence Truly You deeply connects you to the divine, to the rule of God, so that you will always feel nourished, no matter what’s going on in your life. Once you’re connected to this eternal stream of love, power and wholeness, you’ll never have to be afraid that you won’t be nourished. You’ll find your place in this life and on earth, liberated from past experiences that might have limited you or kept you disconnected from your leadership and power. You will remember where your place is, your place in this time and in the Golden Age.